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Leg itches and tingles from an abrasion from a trash can that fell on my leg. Worried about possible rabies saliva entering my wound, or a BAT scratch


New Member
Aug 16, 2024
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Hi again guys. So I kind of calmed down since my last post, accepted that whatever happened and happens is in my mind and i am creating scenarios based on my irrational thoughts.
This trash can stories started because almost 45 days ago, the underside of a trash can fell partially on my leg cutting it pretty badly. Now i have a big scar there which did not bother me until last week. The problem is these past week, my leg where it happened does not stop itching, hurting, tingling, etc. When i sit, it gets even worse, when i stand it goes into pain mode. The only time it kind of goes away when i lie down.

Now im scared that the trash can that fell on my leg had rabies saliva on it and it got introduced into my wound when it cut me. The only animals that are rabid in my county are only bats fortunately, no other. The pic with the red mark shows where it cut my leg. I was wearing pants but it still went through cutting my pants and my leg too. I checked my pants, saw some white things on it but probably it was the dirt from that thing.

The other thing i worry about is what if this was a bat scratch, i mean i don't know how a bat could have gotten in there, maybe from behind the trash can it was chilling there???? And when i dropped it, it kind of scratched me???? I don't know.

But yeah now it tingles, hurts sometimes and i don't know what to do anymore.

And also thanks for the people that gave me advice on my last post too, i am currently finding a therapist to work with but in the mean time gotta hold on to whatever rational thought that i have.



Active Member
Jun 5, 2024
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Out of a rabid scratch or anxiety putting ideas in your head, the most rational outcome is anxiety so it's best that if you don't no with certainty to go with the rational. That's what I try and tell myself when I get scared and can't get and idea out of my head. And guess what so far the rational way has always been right.


New Member
Aug 16, 2024
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Out of a rabid scratch or anxiety putting ideas in your head, the most rational outcome is anxiety so it's best that if you don't no with certainty to go with the rational. That's what I try and tell myself when I get scared and can't get and idea out of my head. And guess what so far the rational way has always been right.
Yeah I am, but its been days long now that these does not stop, and knowing that there is 0.000000000000001 percent chance it could be a scratch or saliva, it triggers it and the cycle continues.


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Sep 20, 2020
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I believe problems were made to test our dignity. They can promote spiritual comfort.