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Worrying about sore throat on right side of adam's apple


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
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I haven't been around the public since late February or the first days of March. I'm in NY. I don't even go to grocery stores. I've been ordering my food online and disinfecting it when it gets to me.
My tongue was recently getting sore on the right side. If I didn't keep messing with it, the pain would be less.
But now, my throat hurts on the right side. Not up near the tonsils, but down to the right of my Adams apple. It feels dry too. It hurts when I breathe in and air moves over it. It hurts to swallow.
I called the nurseline and anyone in NY with a sore throat is presumed positive for covid and has to isolate and not go to a doctor.
I don't have a fever. I do have seasonal allergies and GERD. could either of these make my throat hurt just on the right side of my Adams Apple? Really worried. I cleared my throat and tasted a faint taste of blood one time, but nothing otherwise.
The more anxious I get over this, the dryer my throat gets and the more the painful area hurts.


New Member
Apr 18, 2020
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My symptoms are the same, i spoke to the doctor a few weeks ago and she told me it was globus hystericus (think I've spelt it correct) wich happens when stressed or anxious, which i have been for the last few months. As my mouth is dry i am over working my saliva glands, i get that taste now and again and somtimes a metalic taste, also feel like I'm been strangled.. Its such a horrible feeling.. Sorry not great advice but didn't want you thinking you were alone.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
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My symptoms are the same, i spoke to the doctor a few weeks ago and she told me it was globus hystericus (think I've spelt it correct) wich happens when stressed or anxious, which i have been for the last few months. As my mouth is dry i am over working my saliva glands, i get that taste now and again and somtimes a metalic taste, also feel like I'm been strangled.. Its such a horrible feeling.. Sorry not great advice but didn't want you thinking you were alone.
Thank you, it does make me feel better. The pain got so bad yesterday. It was super dry for a few days where I live and pollen counts were high. I spit into the sink at one point when I tasted blood and there was a tinge of red in my saliva. I haven't tasted blood since then though luckily. It hurts less today, but my throat is dry and I can't stop clearing it. I'm starting to lose my voice, and yes, it does feel like it's strangling me :( I turned my humidifier to max last night and that helped with the pain.


New Member
Apr 18, 2020
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As we can only get telephone consultations at the moment it still worries me that I've not physically been dignosed by a doctor, but thats just my anxiety, i do also feel i could have a bit of acid reflux , i only get the blood taste if my mouth is really dry, i was told to drink 2-3 litres of water. Really not sure what i have


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
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Same here, my doctor doesn't do teledoc only phone calls :/ It does make me worry when my only option is the phone and my doctor can't actually see what I'm talking about. I haven't called him about this and my pain is less than it was yesterday in my throat. Just losing my voice a bit now. I had to call for other things at the beginning of quarantine so I don't want to bug him during a stressful time.


New Member
Apr 18, 2020
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Globus Hystericus i think the correct spelling was it may not be that but when i describe my symptoms thats what the doctor advised, i think we are all feeling a bit stressed and anxious at the moment, but i hate calling the doctor feel a bit of a pain to them, but i think i would feel better if i did see someone. Hope you get some relief soon.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
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Globus Hystericus i think the correct spelling was it may not be that but when i describe my symptoms thats what the doctor advised, i think we are all feeling a bit stressed and anxious at the moment, but i hate calling the doctor feel a bit of a pain to them, but i think i would feel better if i did see someone. Hope you get some relief soon.
I'm trying to function like a person who doesn't have anxiety and wait and see. No fever. Symptoms are improving except for being stuffy and my vocal chords feeling tight/losing my voice. I haven't been around other people since the end of February, so there's no way I could have caught a cold or anything worse.


New Member
Apr 18, 2020
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I'm sure you will have been fine, yeah best way to try and ignore it, I'm needing to take that advise , too much time on my hands at the moment.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
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I'm sure you will have been fine, yeah best way to try and ignore it, I'm needing to take that advise , too much time on my hands at the moment.
Cross stitching helps me A LOT. Because all I can think about is the next stitch. I don't know if you are into crafts. Also, meditation music on YouTube. I find meditation impossible for me, but the music helps me a lot.


New Member
Apr 18, 2020
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I've not really tried anything like that but sounds like a good idea to distract my mind and to focus on something.. I've been reading up on meditation I'll give it a try but some people say its good others find it doesn't work, won't do any harm in trying.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2020
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I haven't been around the public since late February or the first days of March. I'm in NY. I don't even go to grocery stores. I've been ordering my food online and disinfecting it when it gets to me.
My tongue was recently getting sore on the right side. If I didn't keep messing with it, the pain would be less.
But now, my throat hurts on the right side. Not up near the tonsils, but down to the right of my Adams apple. It feels dry too. It hurts when I breathe in and air moves over it. It hurts to swallow.
I called the nurseline and anyone in NY with a sore throat is presumed positive for covid and has to isolate and not go to a doctor.
I don't have a fever. I do have seasonal allergies and GERD. could either of these make my throat hurt just on the right side of my Adams Apple? Really worried. I cleared my throat and tasted a faint taste of blood one time, but nothing otherwise.
The more anxious I get over this, the dryer my throat gets and the more the painful area hurts.
I just wrote in another thread about my experience with ride side throat pain. Allergies can cause fluid behind the ear... the pressure causes throat pain, sometimes right side of mouth, gums, jaw, and obviously ear pain.