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What did you do today?


Active Member
May 30, 2023
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I'm awake in the middle of the night pondering algebra. It really makes little sense to me, but if I want the degree it's a course I have to pass. These are the real life situations I usually avoid, doing something which involves jumping through hoops for no good reason!

I feel a bit depressed but we're taking the little boys on a train tomorrow and my son says he's coming over to help me with the algebra after that. He says there's some foundation knowledge I am missing which is why I'm finding it so difficult, 'order of operations' he called it.

It's a challenge and for 2 pins I'd give it up this moment!

Got my blood pressure down this week, seeing the dr in another week to follow up on that but I don't think I'll need to change meds. The dr is $30 a visit but she's worth it to me right now. In 2024 I've taken insurance with access to the good NP gp I've seen before; visits to her and generic prescriptions are covered and cost $0. If I need to go on insulin that's not covered and will cost $35 a month for the drug plus whatever the test strips cost; hopefully I won't need that but I won't know until February when I run blood tests again.

I feel anxious but there's nothing wrong really, a few irritations that's all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2019
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Working on a jigsaw. Hope to be finished by tomorrow. Working on it a few days now. Normal lark of just making sense of the pieces. Then it starts to take shape and the pieces become easier to find.


Active Member
May 30, 2023
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I played bells and piano in church, had a phone chat with an old friend, now I'm going to play with the 2 little boys in my life. We all went on a train ride yesterday, then for a picnic in the park! Today their dad is fixing my car up.

Haven't got far with the college algebra...but the boys' mum is going to look at it with me later.

Worried about my son, hopefully he'll be here Thanksgiving Day.


Active Member
May 30, 2023
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Today I have been cooking and eating healthily. Thanksgiving I worked, then spent about ten minutes with my son before that devolved and I left him to walk his way home. I was looking forward to it too, feeling quite lonely and sad though I just keep doing what I need to do to be well as I can, I cooked, ate, messaged with friends. I wanted to go get car tyres today but people owe me money and haven't paid yet. *sigh* My friends also didn't invite me to their golden wedding celebration next week so it would be easy to feel sorry for myself about now!

I'm almost to the end of Watership Down, fabulous and huge book! I can't believe I read it as a small child. One of the nice memories of my birth mother is she bought me books. I was 6 when it came out, that's a big book for a six year old to read! I always loved reading and I still use the library all the time, only now I can get DVDs, sheet music and other stuff there too.

Got a Beatles sheet music book out last week. Will prepare a few for a Beatles theme program in the new year. Until then it's all Christmas music prep. A client asked me to play 'A Maiden's Prayer' for their New Year party, it's quite difficult so I'll make a simplified arrangement for this time.

Sometimes I wish I had someone to share my life with.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2019
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The youngest kiddo had a friend over, and we took all the kids to the zoo today. They had a great time. We're all decorated for Christmas, which is my absolute favorite time of year. I'm such a child at Christmas. Haha.


Sep 20, 2023
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Today, I taught my mate how to get the @ sign with the shift key.

He is not computer literate. :writer:


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
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Been working on remodeling my kitchen. Just getting finished up on the first drywall and mud process. Then on to the second leg which requires me to move my stove and fridge back in to place so I can rip out the last wall and put up drywall on it. Part of the walls are plaster and part tongue and grove pine. I removed the pine wood. Too depressing with all the wood. Trying to marry plaster and drywall is a challenge. Thank goodness for YouTube videos for help.


Active Member
May 30, 2023
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Hope everyone is doing okay and coping with the holidays.

I'm busy with work, fighting a foot ulcer (think I'm winning) and still struggling to get people to pay on time. Feeling incredibly lonely, but it's not de-railing me, or not yet. It is what it is!

I'm writing a piece of music for performing by handbells in Spring. For a friend who put some work my way. The best creativity comes from the saddest times I have found...nothing's ever wasted.

Holy-days, holidays. I'm volunteering Christmas Day. I'm working the rest. Not decorating the house this Christmas. I grew a flowering cactus but gave it away. I give everything away almost automatically lately. Don't want to accumulate clutter! The trees are unusually beautiful, a lot are dead or dying from drought, the next major storm will leave a mess. 'Swansong' of a tree. They regenerate easily here though. If left alone. There's an area I pass by daily where a derelict farm is, the land has not yet been bought up or developed, it is so beautiful, fruit trees and pecan trees run wild, and every color of gold, red and brown foliage. When I pass it I imagine the people who lived there. There is a small family cemetery further down the road, maybe that's them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2019
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Lot of walking done this morning. After all our bad weather is always good to stretch the legs. Always end up in some shops. Picked myself up a double LP. Jean Michel Jarre live in China. Music composer. Not classical. More electric. Nothing like that rave and techno junk. Real music shall we call it. With a sort of a space feel about it. Great at night with the lights out.

th (2).jpg


Active Member
May 30, 2023
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On my second round of antibiotics for pneumonia, just can't shake it off until I get better rest. I needed to keep going though until last week, commitments and need the income.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
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On my second round of antibiotics for pneumonia, just can't shake it off until I get better rest. I needed to keep going though until last week, commitments and need the income.
Hope you get that rest and you get better soon.


Active Member
May 30, 2023
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Hope you get that rest and you get better soon.
Thanks MATD.
I have been in bed most of the day, got a small rehearsal at 7.30 then off again tomorrow.

Going to make a good soup for recovering- green peppers, red onion, canned chopped tomatoes, bring to boil and simmer, after 40 mins switch off heat, stir in as much raw chopped garlic as taste allows and a can of evaporated milk. Used to put cayenne pepper too but my stomach won't tolerate it these days!

I'm eating protein too, and taking echinacea.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2019
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Spent my evening doing a bit of astronomy. Using a mixture of telescope and large binoculars. Have to do something to entertain yourself. Always find Christmas day boring as can be. Listened to some music in the late afternoon. Tubular bells by Mike Oldfield. Get the original album and a bonus album of unreleased material. 50th Anniversary edition. If people think they have no idea who Mike Oldfield is, think of the film the exorcist. Theme tune to that film is from this album.

@PieFan good to hear you are on the mend. Keep getting even more better.
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Active Member
May 30, 2023
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I just put together a table top easel so I can keep watercolor paints out all the time; I'm going to paint a lot more this coming year.

I'm feeling a lot better @Cuchculan but I expect it will be a few days before I'm 100% energy-wise. Got another full day off then back to work...needs must!


Active Member
May 30, 2023
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I had the best day today, met one of my favorite friends for lunch (and lots of talking!) Had fried green tomatoes! Ran some errands then went to my son's where we had a lovely day hanging out and chatting between his working.

Then I realized my health is way better, still a bit of extra coughing/congestion when it's cold or my allergies respond to something, but my energy levels are up. It's the best thing about getting sick- feeling well again and appreciating the physical wellbeing I otherwise take for granted.

My friend had made me a triangular cashmere shawl, it is so beautiful, one of the nicest presents I've ever received, must have taken her many hours. The first thing I will do when I stop admiring it is place it in a plastic bag- I am notorious for getting paint/ink/food/dog on things and would never ever buy myself anything this lovely for that reason! But it's a good problem to have. Thank you, thank you, thank you :happy: