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It just won’t stop


Dec 21, 2022
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I’ve had no appetite for the last 5 days and my stomach hurts and I get nauseous when I eat. I was in the ER yesterday because of this, but of course all lab tests and imaging were normal. Of course, as much as I try, I can’t accept this because my stomach still hurts, and I’m losing weight because I can’t eat.

I didn’t get a CT in the ER, and now I’m wishing I had asked. I’ve convinced myself I have pancreatic cancer because my appetite hasn’t been good for about a month. Now there was a lot of anxiety in that month and I often eat less when I’m anxious. Also, I didn’t have diarrhea when I was in the ER, but it came after I got home. Of course when the doc asked if I had any back pain, I didn’t think I did. But looking back, I have had some.

I had a CT for kidney stones last December, and the report shows my pancreas as normal.

I was diagnosed as likely having Crohn’s disease just last month, but that was an incidental finding during a screening colonoscopy.

My rational mind says that it’s highly unlikely that I go from normal to cancer in under a year, but my anxious brain just won’t listen that. It says that Crohn’s wasn’t showing symptoms, so it couldn’t possibly be that. Only cancer.

I‘m petrified with fear right now. My stomach hurts. Clothes feel loose because I’ve lost 5 or 6 pounds in the last few days. Clonazepam isn’t helping.

I see my GP tomorrow as a follow up, but it’ll be a week before I can get a scan.

I feel like I’m drowning right now.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2021
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I’ve had no appetite for the last 5 days and my stomach hurts and I get nauseous when I eat. I was in the ER yesterday because of this, but of course all lab tests and imaging were normal. Of course, as much as I try, I can’t accept this because my stomach still hurts, and I’m losing weight because I can’t eat.

I didn’t get a CT in the ER, and now I’m wishing I had asked. I’ve convinced myself I have pancreatic cancer because my appetite hasn’t been good for about a month. Now there was a lot of anxiety in that month and I often eat less when I’m anxious. Also, I didn’t have diarrhea when I was in the ER, but it came after I got home. Of course when the doc asked if I had any back pain, I didn’t think I did. But looking back, I have had some.

I had a CT for kidney stones last December, and the report shows my pancreas as normal.

I was diagnosed as likely having Crohn’s disease just last month, but that was an incidental finding during a screening colonoscopy.

My rational mind says that it’s highly unlikely that I go from normal to cancer in under a year, but my anxious brain just won’t listen that. It says that Crohn’s wasn’t showing symptoms, so it couldn’t possibly be that. Only cancer.

I‘m petrified with fear right now. My stomach hurts. Clothes feel loose because I’ve lost 5 or 6 pounds in the last few days. Clonazepam isn’t helping.

I see my GP tomorrow as a follow up, but it’ll be a week before I can get a scan.

I feel like I’m drowning right now.
You are drowning, in fear. If a swimmer begins to get into difficulties he or she can float and gain some energy to continue. In anxiety we don't 'float'. We thrash about and drown in fear. The whole problem comes down to adding fear to the fear already there. We try to put the fire out with petrol! 'You are petrified with fear'. Can you see how this cycle of fear/anxiety/ fear develops? We are like a mouse in a maze, dashing here and there looking for a way out but finding none. I am in no way minimising your suffering, been there. But accepting things as they are, and not anticipating events that are never likely occur, can help a lot. Your rational mind is telling you it's all ok, so listen to it. Stop that niggling little voice that says all those negative things.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2020
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I’ve had no appetite for the last 5 days and my stomach hurts and I get nauseous when I eat. I was in the ER yesterday because of this, but of course all lab tests and imaging were normal. Of course, as much as I try, I can’t accept this because my stomach still hurts, and I’m losing weight because I can’t eat.

I didn’t get a CT in the ER, and now I’m wishing I had asked. I’ve convinced myself I have pancreatic cancer because my appetite hasn’t been good for about a month. Now there was a lot of anxiety in that month and I often eat less when I’m anxious. Also, I didn’t have diarrhea when I was in the ER, but it came after I got home. Of course when the doc asked if I had any back pain, I didn’t think I did. But looking back, I have had some.

I had a CT for kidney stones last December, and the report shows my pancreas as normal.

I was diagnosed as likely having Crohn’s disease just last month, but that was an incidental finding during a screening colonoscopy.

My rational mind says that it’s highly unlikely that I go from normal to cancer in under a year, but my anxious brain just won’t listen that. It says that Crohn’s wasn’t showing symptoms, so it couldn’t possibly be that. Only cancer.

I‘m petrified with fear right now. My stomach hurts. Clothes feel loose because I’ve lost 5 or 6 pounds in the last few days. Clonazepam isn’t helping.

I see my GP tomorrow as a follow up, but it’ll be a week before I can get a scan.

I feel like I’m drowning right now.
I don’t have chrons. Have a pretty super gluten intolerance though. Before I quit eating it I had 0 appetite, tons of stomach and back pain and the weirdest bathroom breaks. I’d work on getting your chrons squared away and I bet a lot of that stuff would improve. I’ve heard it can be pretty tough to deal with early on

Sweet T

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2019
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Rationally you know it’s Crohn’s related. Abdominal pain and loss of appetite are classic Crohn’s signs.
Anxiety is powerful but it lies. Thoughts are not facts. Please work with your doctor to address your Crohn’s. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
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Anxiety can cause a plethora of gastro issues. Anxiety doesn’t just affect the mind. It affects the body as a whole. One of the biggest issues one has with anxiety is gastro issues. What’s going on is the anxiety literally has your bowels in an uproar. Get those books, start practicing and slowly but surely you will start feeling better. I went through a very similar time like you are having now. It can get better.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2020
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I’ve had no appetite for the last 5 days and my stomach hurts and I get nauseous when I eat. I was in the ER yesterday because of this, but of course all lab tests and imaging were normal. Of course, as much as I try, I can’t accept this because my stomach still hurts, and I’m losing weight because I can’t eat.

I didn’t get a CT in the ER, and now I’m wishing I had asked. I’ve convinced myself I have pancreatic cancer because my appetite hasn’t been good for about a month. Now there was a lot of anxiety in that month and I often eat less when I’m anxious. Also, I didn’t have diarrhea when I was in the ER, but it came after I got home. Of course when the doc asked if I had any back pain, I didn’t think I did. But looking back, I have had some.

I had a CT for kidney stones last December, and the report shows my pancreas as normal.

I was diagnosed as likely having Crohn’s disease just last month, but that was an incidental finding during a screening colonoscopy.

My rational mind says that it’s highly unlikely that I go from normal to cancer in under a year, but my anxious brain just won’t listen that. It says that Crohn’s wasn’t showing symptoms, so it couldn’t possibly be that. Only cancer.

I‘m petrified with fear right now. My stomach hurts. Clothes feel loose because I’ve lost 5 or 6 pounds in the last few days. Clonazepam isn’t helping.

I see my GP tomorrow as a follow up, but it’ll be a week before I can get a scan.

I feel like I’m drowning right now.
I'm seriously fighting the same fear at the moment! I just read a story about maria menounos having found out she had it and just happened to look at the list of sympoms, one of which is mid to upper back pain, which I have been having for a while now but recently it has gotten worse so I have been trying to fight off panic. Then just decided to check in here and saw your post which freaks me out more, like maybe it's a sign that I should go get checked. That's my only symptom at the moment other than it said burning in the stomach which I also have a lot. I literally just read that article a half hour ago so I'm hoping I don't spiral too much. I'm trying to be rational but it's hard! I think all of the symptoms we have are common and the fear makes it worse.


Dec 21, 2022
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I'm seriously fighting the same fear at the moment! I just read a story about maria menounos having found out she had it and just happened to look at the list of sympoms, one of which is mid to upper back pain, which I have been having for a while now but recently it has gotten worse so I have been trying to fight off panic. Then just decided to check in here and saw your post which freaks me out more, like maybe it's a sign that I should go get checked. That's my only symptom at the moment other than it said burning in the stomach which I also have a lot. I literally just read that article a half hour ago so I'm hoping I don't spiral too much. I'm trying to be rational but it's hard! I think all of the symptoms we have are common and the fear makes it worse.
Definitely talk to you doctor about it for peace of mind, but MATD’s post above is accurate. Anxiety and stress wreak absolute havoc on our GI tracts. I explained my anxiety to my doc and my fear about what my pain indicated, but he assured me he wasn’t concerned about cancer. He was more concerned with the possibility of pancreatitis or appendicitis, so he ordered a CT. Everything came back clear, so the suspicion is indeed Crohn’s. Now I get to have an MR Enterography in a couple weeks to see how much Crohn’s I actually have in my small intestine.