Highly likely. Don't watch the news is my advice, especially US news which often isn't even an accurate account.Now that thinking about it, I'm not feeling full better from covid yet.
Could that be part of the reason why the fears are so uncontrolled lately?
Agreed. I don't pay much attention to news outlets at all for this reason. They all push stories that cater to their political leanings and beliefs, or whatever otherwise fits their agenda. I'll take what I do hear in the news and spend time gathering info from various sources, then use my best judgement to try and figure out what's truly going on.Highly likely. Don't watch the news is my advice, especially US news which often isn't even an accurate account.
It may be so, but there is genuine concern about what is going on and where all this is heading. Anxiaty always has it's base in fear, and fear is so prevalent at the moment. It is very true to say that we have no control over what happens individually, but we can change things by the way we vote. If we vote for extremists then we are asking for trouble, just as they did in Germany in 1933. The people had a choice and they voted the way they did which resulted in the destruction of their country. It is never 'them' that are to blame but us. You have extremists in the US just as we have in the UK who would go to war tomorrow given the chance. Of course the generals and admirals will stir thing up, it's their trade. Yes, war is their trade and they will keep it all stirring.I’m thinking troll and he’s laughing that he’s keeping us arguing about it.
Agreed, but people tend to gravitate towards the HA board on this and other forums because it's often the most active, so quicker and more responses.Giving the benefit of the doubt here and it’s genuine, it doesn’t belong in the health anxiety forum. It should be in GAD or better, OCD.
Exactly, and if people will follow Donald Trump they'll listen to any nonsense.You have extremists in the US just as we have in the UK who would go to war tomorrow given the chance. Of course the generals and admirals will stir thing up, it's their trade.
I agree. It's a mockery of so called Chritians in that they hardly ever follow the teaching of Christ. Trump and the like would call themselves Christians when they go about doing exactly what Christ told them not to do. I do wonder why we are so afraid of freedom? Authoritarianism gives us some comfort because we don't have to think for ourselves. It's like being in the armed forces where everything is done for you provided you obey orders.Exactly, and if people will follow Donald Trump they'll listen to any nonsense.
It's a 1941 book by Erich Fromm, Escape From Freedom/ Fear of Freedom, the phenomenon where people will follow incredibly cruel or stupid leaders rather than think for themselves. He says people do this by submitting to authoritarianism, by behaving destructively, or by conformity (which explains a lot about Convincing Don in the US, people want to be Republicans and stay Republicans so they don't listen to how ridiculous, racist and hateful the message has become, even where they identify otherwise as Christians)
I think many people are uncomfortable with stepping outside of their particular social environment or of being 'in trouble' somehow or rejected. Look at the complex lies and secrets people will have when telling the truth in the first place would likely be a whole lot less trouble!I wonder how many of us do and how many just follow the part line?
People are allowed to start topics on whatever makes them anxious. I don't see anything inappropriate here, well one of your comments calling the OP a troll maybe was unfair...we don't know that and it's best to take people on face value I think.Wow, time to hide this thread. This is super inappropriate and doesn’t belong in an anxiety help forum. Perfect example of why there needs to be admins on here.