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I'm panicking. I found what looked to be a single brown crap on the second story window


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Jul 17, 2023
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I'm panicking. I found what looked to be a single brown crap on the second story window. And it dissinigrated on touch like a bat crap would do. I'm worried there was a bat there. There woudl be no way for a bat to get in. But what if there was a bat spit or something when I was looking out the window over the pas tfew nights. This is in my bedroom where I'm sleeping.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2020
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We were just on vacation in upstate NY and there were bats flying around at night. We also have bats in the prairie behind our housing development. They eat mosquitos and are pretty harmless, they don’t go around looking for someone to bite.

Why are you afraid of bats and not mosquitos that carry west Nile or some other rabid animal? What is your true fear that is making you obsess about this?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2019
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I'm panicking. I found what looked to be a single brown crap on the second story window. And it dissinigrated on touch like a bat crap would do. I'm worried there was a bat there. There woudl be no way for a bat to get in. But what if there was a bat spit or something when I was looking out the window over the pas tfew nights. This is in my bedroom where I'm sleeping.
What if it was a drug addicts heroin and you actually touched fentanyl? What if it was someone's feces that had hepatitis? What if it was a person's saliva with syphilis? What if they breathed in your mouth for the whole time you wer asleep and had tb?


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Jul 17, 2023
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Is this bat crap? I've been freaking out about this alll day.
I'm panicking. I found what looked to be a single brown crappy on the second story window this is the outside side of it so it was still protected by the screen. And it dissinigrated on touch like a bat crappy would do. I'm worried there was a bat there. There would be no way for a bat to get in. But what if there was a bat spit or something when I was looking out the window over the past few nights. This is in my bedroom where I'm sleeping. My mom said it was smooth on sight and grainy when crumbled and it looked like dried up worm and was a single shade. It looked squeezed on both ends to me. It was also raining a lot over night. There's' never been another incidence like this all summer. The crappy crumbled when trying to pick it up.

Do I have to worry about rabies?

This is the closest I could find in the area to what it looked like outside.

An what found this morning was about double the length.
I can't think of anything else it would be.

Other pics of crappies in area, don't know if it's related:
https://ibb.co/ZfWpk1p https://ibb.co/3W3SVXd https://ibb.co/sV05Cr4 https://ibb.co/Bq9JN0H https://ibb.co/yBgG73s https://ibb.co/NsYD2LB https://ibb.co/HBV4pFg https://ibb.co/3c040Yh https://ibb.co/R9GPbnP https://ibb.co/NWmggZ6 https://ibb.co/DMc3P5f https://ibb.co/qpySwnj https://ibb.co/N30jG7G https://ibb.co/R94bgcB https://ibb.co/tJZmYsc https://ibb.co/J72QfH6 https://ibb.co/BjvCRPT https://ibb.co/CVHTGsq https://ibb.co/6DtHd8c https://ibb.co/WWVDDPg https://ibb.co/wWqzmqV https://ibb.co/TH20nJh https://ibb.co/N9gz83g https://ibb.co/7YV1Pyq https://ibb.co/M5gmfLz https://ibb.co/dGDtjwG https://ibb.co/zrWRcxp https://ibb.co/Z6f0tHH https://ibb.co/HD1gBBP https://ibb.co/5xQ1VzF https://ibb.co/72RM4x4 https://ibb.co/S7ntdzs

Phillies Phan

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2021
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OMG man you’ve got to get this under control! Are you even serious? You might as well worry about the chance ICBM missiles are being launched as I type this, and we’ll all be dead in a few hours. How can you live this way? Do you drive? When even the best driver gets behind the wheel, there’s a minute chance of a serious accident that will result in life altering injuries or worse. Do people not drive due to that possibility? Judging from the nightmare traffic in Toronto, and I assume all large cities, the answer is obviously no.

Spending your day taking pictures of animal crap and trying to compare them to what you saw is just not even close to normal behavior. Your poor mother must be beside herself with you.

I may sound mean, not my intent but you need to focus on LIVING not the one in a trillion chance you might die by some Guiness World Record occurrence.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2019
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OMG man you’ve got to get this under control! Are you even serious? You might as well worry about the chance ICBM missiles are being launched as I type this, and we’ll all be dead in a few hours. How can you live this way? Do you drive? When even the best driver gets behind the wheel, there’s a minute chance of a serious accident that will result in life altering injuries or worse. Do people not drive due to that possibility? Judging from the nightmare traffic in Toronto, and I assume all large cities, the answer is obviously no.

Spending your day taking pictures of animal crap and trying to compare them to what you saw is just not even close to normal behavior. Your poor mother must be beside herself with you.

I may sound mean, not my intent but you need to focus on LIVING not the one in a trillion chance you might die by some Guiness World Record occurrence.
There is only so much anyone can say then it becomes the point of just not responding. It's bad enough the confirmation does nothing but then a lot of the times I doubt they even read the answers we give. Just skim over it and type the next worry.


Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
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I'm actually starting to think it's bird crap.

Is this bat or bird crap?

This is in Michigan.
I've been freaking out about this alll day. I found what looked to be a single brown crappy on the second story window this is the outside side so it was still protected by the screen. This window connects to my bed room but the screen is still protecting me.

My mom said it was smooth on sight and grainy when crumbled and it looked like dried up worm and was a single shade. It looked squeezed on both ends to me. The crappy crumbled when trying to pick it up. The crappy didn't disintegrate into a fine power, it more broke into chunks.

I'm worried there was a bat there. There would be no way for a bat to get in. But what if there was a bat spit or something when I was looking . It was also raining a lot over night. There's' never been another incidence like this all summer. There's no other signs of bat crap at the base of the house or area a bat would be most likely to investigate. It was on the window ceil no known bat sightings in the in over 30 years. But what if there was a bat spit or something when I was looking out the window over the past few nights.

There's a lot of bird food in the area since we have multiple bird feeders out there
And the birds do huddle up by the window when it's raining. And the crappy would easily be less than 4 days old, since the window was closed a few days ago.

Do I have to worry about rabies?

This is the closest I could find in the area to what it looked like outside.
An what found this morning was about double the length.
OMG man you’ve got to get this under control! Are you even serious? You might as well worry about the chance ICBM missiles are being launched as I type this, and we’ll all be dead in a few hours. How can you live this way? Do you drive? When even the best driver gets behind the wheel, there’s a minute chance of a serious accident that will result in life altering injuries or worse. Do people not drive due to that possibility? Judging from the nightmare traffic in Toronto, and I assume all large cities, the answer is obviously no.

Spending your day taking pictures of animal crap and trying to compare them to what you saw is just not even close to normal behavior. Your poor mother must be beside herself with you.

I may sound mean, not my intent but you need to focus on LIVING not the one in a trillion chance you might die by some Guiness World Record occurrence.
It's hard living this way. Over the last few weeks I've been starting to do a lot better, but when the fears hit they've been hitting a lot harder.
There is only so much anyone can say then it becomes the point of just not responding. It's bad enough the confirmation does nothing but then a lot of the times I doubt they even read the answers we give. Just skim over it and type the next worry.
I've been reading through the messages it's not just a quick pass through.


Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
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I guess I wasn't doing as much better than I thought...

So far this month I only did minor to major research for bats on :Aug 3,5, 7,8,9,10,12,14,17,19, 20,21,24,25...

Okay, I guess it isn't getting any better than... That's surprising I thought for sure I was doing better better...
No wonder everyone thinks I'm a pain in the ass.


Active Member
May 30, 2023
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No wonder everyone thinks I'm a pain in the ass.
You're not a pain in the ass (well not to us who don't live with you! I can't speak for those who do) But we've all talked to you now here and you are not in therapy (are you?) so there's a limit to what more people can say.

Most of us here who have got our anxiety managed have had to get professional help, it can be very useful.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2024
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Do you ever think you are being completely irrational (not a pain but irrational) or ever believe what we are saying when we answer? Talk to us about that. Why bats? Why rabies? Is there a reason why you fear this particular animal and illnesses? Does anything help calm you?


Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
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You're not a pain in the ass (well not to us who don't live with you! I can't speak for those who do) But we've all talked to you now here and you are not in therapy (are you?) so there's a limit to what more people can say.

Most of us here who have got our anxiety managed have had to get professional help, it can be very useful.
Yeah, I'm seeing a psychologist week and on anxiety meds. The problem is my fear can get extremely intense to the point I forget about what I should be doing and just end up going back to research and reassurence.
Do you ever think you are being completely irrational (not a pain but irrational) or ever believe what we are saying when we answer? Talk to us about that. Why bats? Why rabies? Is there a reason why you fear this particular animal and illnesses? Does anything help calm you?
Most of them yeah, after the fear is over, and the talking does help.

The bat fear started when I read about an article on the 10 most deadly diseases. It just appeared on facebook for some reason.
I knew about rabies before, but I never knew you can get them from bats. Then I started to find out that bats can bite you without you ever knowing it.

As for rabies, a lot of has to do with incubation period which is around 2 months to a year.
So you have no symtoms of it for a long time so you don't know if you have it. Then when symptoms show up, it's already too late to get help and a 99.999% death rate.

I'm also starting to think the crap I found yesterday was more bird related:

I'm starting to think it might be more bird related.
This is in Michigan.

I found what looked to be a single darker brown crappy on the second story window.

My mom said it was smooth on sight and grainy when crumbled and it looked like dried up worm and was a single shade. It looked tapered on both ends to me and cylindrical shape. The crappy crumbled when trying to pick it up. The crappy didn't disintegrate into a fine power, it more broke into chunks. There wasn't any obvious smell. It seemed to about 2 times the length of a grain of rice.

There's a lot of bird food in the area since we have multiple bird feeders out there

And the birds do huddle up by the window when it's raining. And the crappy would easily be less than 3 days old, since the window was closed a few days ago.

Also wondering about the possibility of a bat.

There's no other signs of bat crap at the base of the house or area a bat would be most likely to investigate. It was on the window ceil no known bat sightings in the in over 30 years. But what if there was a bat spit or something when I was looking out the window over the past few nights. The crap should only be a couple days old at most, and didn't look like there was any insects in it.
Last edited:
Feb 23, 2024
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Well, it is true that the things most of us with HA worry and obsess about are those things that are basically death sentences. I've never feared bats, or the brain eating amoeba, or that disease where you can never fall asleep. But the "common" ones, for sure like ALS, pancreatic cancer and brain tumors (although these are not always fatal, BT scares the bejabbers out of me). For me the "magic number" is 10,000. If I am able to convince myself that the incidence of disease "x" for my gender/race/age is 1-10,000 or rarer, I can escape from my fear most times. Weird; if it's 1-5,000 I'm a mess.

I once explained this to a therapist, and she said she'd be comforted if a feared disease was "only" a 1 in 100 chance. I can never imagine that. Must be the way people without HA think.


Jan 26, 2021
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But what if there was a bat spit or something when I was looking out the window.
So what. It wouldn't jump out at you. You research bats a lot. Has there ever been a case of someone contracting rabies from bat spit having been deposited "nearby" some time previous.


Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
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Well, it is true that the things most of us with HA worry and obsess about are those things that are basically death sentences. I've never feared bats, or the brain eating amoeba, or that disease where you can never fall asleep. But the "common" ones, for sure like ALS, pancreatic cancer and brain tumors (although these are not always fatal, BT scares the bejabbers out of me). For me the "magic number" is 10,000. If I am able to convince myself that the incidence of disease "x" for my gender/race/age is 1-10,000 or rarer, I can escape from my fear most times. Weird; if it's 1-5,000 I'm a mess.

I once explained this to a therapist, and she said she'd be comforted if a feared disease was "only" a 1 in 100 chance. I can never imagine that. Must be the way people without HA think.
I get the more common ones too. They just aren't that often anymore.

So what. It wouldn't jump out at you. You research bats a lot. Has there ever been a case of someone contracting rabies from bat spit having been deposited "nearby" some time previous.
No, not that I know of.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2024
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See that's good that you are also looking at more rational answers that it's probably just a bird.

I do understand how phobias can be debilitating. I am very phobic with needles to the point where myself or even more so worryingly my children will need any medical treatment with a needle I can't do it. I can't even be in the room with my pets if they need jabs.


Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
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Sometimes I get a fear so bad that it becomes it's own thing. The Bat part of the rabies expanded 3 or 4 times.

The first actual fear started when I was convinced a bat bit my toe for some reason which was the fear that started it. I used to have a fear of getting hiv from cut to cut transmission, or cut to eye, or spit talking with a bit of blood in it to the eye, so that basically transfered to the rabies fear.

Last year I was worried a bat was hanging on my shirt and stuff, that fear lasted a few months and since then I'm always worried that a bat would be hanging on my back when I'm outside so that around the time I didn't want to go outside as much especially at night.

Last month I was freaking out because I brushed up against a plant, and was worried about a bat hiding in the bushes. I eventually figured out it would be more likely for bat to crawl up the pants legs so new fear unlocked.

A couple weeks ago, my cat brought up a dead mouse. My first reaction was aww he was playing with one of his toys, then took a closer look. That wasn't a toy. Since then I've been worried about mice and any kind of crappies I think I've found in the house, and near the house like on the windows.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2024
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Sometimes you have to tell yourself out of the millions of thoughts you've had about bats being around you, how many of them have actually come true? 0% so with this new thought in mind. Do you think it could help going forward? Even just reminding yourself that non of these worried have ever come to anything so the latest one won't either.


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Nov 23, 2020
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When I had the rabies fear I didn't even have an exposure moment. I just realized I wasn't thirsty. Took about an hour for it to cement in my mind and I then had the worst 6+ months of anxiety in my life. Therapy helps more than I can possibly put into words


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2019
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My first post ever on here was due to a rabies fear. It boils down to we can't have 100 percent confirmation that x y and z didn't happen. There was a dog that I visited all the time, one time I visited and he had a wound on his ear, and I possibly touched that wound with a possible open scar. There was no way for me to prove that a rabid animal had not just attacked him within the last few minutes...I've found a lot of times it is something we need to just walk through. There is no way you are going to be content that a bat wasn't in your room or wherever... because their is no way to prove without a shadow of a doubt. Like I said one or 2 times with wanting some kind of confirmation, ok, but when it becomes constant it's obvious that isn't helping. This is coming from someone who knows how difficult it is.