Welcome to the Anxiety Community Forum, a friendly space for discussion, help and support with mental health issues. Please register to post and use the extra features available to members. Click here to register.Everyone is welcome!
Hi all, name is Rob here. I've been looking for an anxiety community for some time and this looked like a good one. I am no stranger to anxiety and I've been pretty good the past few years but lately is been creeping back up on me.
Welcome. You are right about this site. So many good kind people who devote their time to helping others. We all know what anxiety is like and how drastically it can affect our lives. So often when we think it has all gone away it rears its head again, maybe in some different form. It is possible to recover from anxiety permanently, but mostly its a case of management. We can manage an anxious temperament so that anxiety does not affect our lives. First of all we need to accept and face the fact we have a problem. So many go into denial and won't accept that they are anxious people, or they regard it as some form of weakness of character. Anxiety is an illness that can't be seen by blood tests or any other medical tests. It can only be diagnosed by our behaviour. Short term medication can help a lot as it gives us time to calm down and see our problem more rationally. You can and will recover if you accept how you feel at the moment and stop adding fear to fear.