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Facial numbness + honest HA thkights


Mar 9, 2021
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For about 3-4 days now I’ve had random numbness on the left side of my face around my jawline, but it’s not constant, comes in waves and will be numb a few seconds and then fades, but comes on and off all day. Definitely starting to worry me! Anyone experience this? Health anxiety can be so tricky. For example in this case, you do actually hear of people who have actual brain tumors and strokes, and of course symptoms were facial numbness too. So why do we never hear of people with HA actually having a serious issue? I know this is probs not a popular HA topic But really, if we are always just supposed to not worry because we are usually wrong, what about when it’s really an issue? And then I hear people say that they just go to the doctor for tests to assure themselves, but how in the world do you afford that? That can’t be the best way……I would be in so much debt if I went to the doctor/hospital every time I felt something concerning. Anyway, just thinking about it all. But also, I do want to know that others have had facial numbness on and off for days and not had a brain tumor or stroke
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
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Anxiety is called the doubting disease for a reason. We doubt what doctors say, we doubt ourselves. We can’t believe because of the doubt that fear creates. We can’t see past this illusion because it feels real. And there is always the element of truth that lies within. Yes, it is possible that there is something wrong with us that is causing these strange symptoms. When do we go to the doctor and express our concerns? It’s a difficult road with no clear answers to the dilemma. What is clear though, is the fact we have anxiety, a normal necessary function that has gotten out of control. I suggest that we focus on getting the anxiety back to normal levels so we can discern between what is real and what is simply a result of fear.

As to the facial numbness, I can only tell you from my own experience that I had this symptom (along with an untold number of others) very early on in my journey of anxiety. Now, at the age of 65, I’m still here In reasonably good health.

Anxiety/fear affects the mind and the body. We know the brain is the control of the body, so it’s logical for the body to be affected when the brain is under a heavy load.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2021
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For about 3-4 days now I’ve had random numbness on the left side of my face around my jawline, but it’s not constant, comes in waves and will be numb a few seconds and then fades, but comes on and off all day. Definitely starting to worry me! Anyone experience this? Health anxiety can be so tricky. For example in this case, you do actually hear of people who have actual brain tumors and strokes, and of course symptoms were facial numbness too. So why do we never hear of people with HA actually having a serious issue? I know this is probs not a popular HA topic But really, if we are always just supposed to not worry because we are usually wrong, what about when it’s really an issue? And then I hear people say that they just go to the doctor for tests to assure themselves, but how in the world do you afford that? That can’t be the best way……I would be in so much debt if I went to the doctor/hospital every time I felt something concerning. Anyway, just thinking about it all. But also, I do want to know that others have had facial numbness on and off for days and not had a brain tumor or stroke
Numbness anywhere in the body can be caused by anxiety. We need to get it into our heads that anxiety can mimic any known disease and many unknown ones. Had them all years ago when I had GAD. I was so convinced I would not believe doctors or anyone. Still here! It sounds as if you are in the US. We don't have the problem of not being able to afford a doctor in the UK. But at the same time it can become a habit going to the doctor with every little ailment. If you had any of the things you think you have you would have known by now, and would you be able to come on here with a perfectly legible post? You are trying to reason yourself out of it the wrong way, getting yourself more confused than ever. Try acceptance. Now if you look at all the previous posts on this you will find many who advocate acceptance. That is to say let it all come without resistance. It's resisting 'IT' and fighting 'IT' that causes more problems. Give up the struggle.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2022
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I went through a phase when half of my face would feel numb and tingly and the top half of my skull. I panicked and went to the ER and got a CT scan, and all was clear. Honestly don’t know what happened. It went away and then it comes back every now and then. But I keep reminding myself that I had the same sensation before and it was ok.
The doc measured it up to anxiety and stress.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2020
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For about 3-4 days now I’ve had random numbness on the left side of my face around my jawline, but it’s not constant, comes in waves and will be numb a few seconds and then fades, but comes on and off all day. Definitely starting to worry me! Anyone experience this? Health anxiety can be so tricky. For example in this case, you do actually hear of people who have actual brain tumors and strokes, and of course symptoms were facial numbness too. So why do we never hear of people with HA actually having a serious issue? I know this is probs not a popular HA topic But really, if we are always just supposed to not worry because we are usually wrong, what about when it’s really an issue? And then I hear people say that they just go to the doctor for tests to assure themselves, but how in the world do you afford that? That can’t be the best way……I would be in so much debt if I went to the doctor/hospital every time I felt something concerning. Anyway, just thinking about it all. But also, I do want to know that others have had facial numbness on and off for days and not had a brain tumor or stroke
I had this off and for a couple months and thought for sure it was all the above plus possibly a few other things. Ended up all going away completely. I never really found out what it was besides anxiety causing it. I was also sure I had MS and ALS so I was experiencing all those symptoms even my legs going numb and a billion other things. Once I had some tests and was reassured I was fine everything went away. I guess my mind made it all happen without me realizing it.
I do struggle with how will I know if it really isn't my mind and it is something I actually have to worry about since my mind seems to be quite the magician and can make me experience every symptom of every deadly disease out there.
We are considered low-income so we qualify for insurance that way. If we had regular medical self paid insurance, I would probably either be broke and homeless or in an institution because I wouldn't be able to function. If I know I have no way to see a Dr or can't afford to, my anxiety will cause all kinds of crazy to happen to me.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2023
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I have also delt with numbness caused by anxiety in different parts of my body, face, arms, legs and so on. Also tingling. I just knew something was wrong. But every time I seen a Dr they would say I'm fine. But I do understand your concerns of not knowing when it is going to be something to worry about. I think about that all the time which is prolly why I still suffer with anxiety. That's why it's important to have everything ruled out by your DR and just have checkups normally. I do at least once a year, I'll go get a full scale health check lol which I need to do soon. But I'm sure it's just your anxiety causing this feeling. Our nerves can also cause this feeling if u have a pinched nerve anywhere. I hope u feel better soon