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Does anyone get bad Styes regularly?


Active Member
Nov 4, 2019
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I usually will get a normal style about once or twice a year. Over the past 4-6 months or so I’ve gotten about four bad styes in my eyes. They get super red and come to a white head on the eyelid. This week I had one and my eyelid swelled up pretty good so I went to urgent care for some eye drops or something. I wasn’t too concerned but they told me that any time something recurs in this manner they want to know why. So I was told that if it continues to go see an ophthalmologist. Never like hearing that. I asked the doctor if starting with an optometrist would work. He said yes and if they say it all looks fine then I can disregard. I set the appointment for Tuesday. The antibiotic eye drops he prescribed had my eye almost normal in a single day! (almost definitely bacterial due to this)

I’m not having anxiety but it is on my mind. There are a few things that can be serious and cause this kind of thing. They are rare and unlikely but you know how anxiety works.

Facts to note.
  • I’ve been doing a lot of softball for 5 months or so with tons of dust in my face a few times per week.
  • I have a six month old baby who catches colds a lot and puts her hands, mouth, and snot/saliva all over our faces and such often.
  • I have bad summer allergies and the smoke this summer has made it WAY worse.

All of the above are probably my culprit but I wanted to see what y’all thought. It always helps to hear from other people. Thanks!


Active Member
Nov 4, 2019
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I have been dealing with this constantly for the last two years. It’s honestly terrible.
something you could try is using tea tree eye wipes every day. This helped me tremendously!


Active Member
Sep 20, 2020
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Take care and be comfortable with your natural look. Men like natural looks more than looks with make up.