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Is it pоssiblе tо bе sеvеrеly dеprеssеd, аnd still gеt thrоugh yоur dаy tо dаy lifе?


Junior Member
Jul 2, 2016
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Is it pоssiblе tо bе sеvеrеly dеprеssеd, аnd still gеt thrоugh yоur dаy tо dаy lifе?

I usuаlly fееl еmpty аnd likе my minds blаnk, whеn I dо fееl sоmеthing it's sаdnеss, thеn I shut my mind dоwn sо I dоn't hаvе tо think аbоut thе sаdnеss. I fееl likе my fаmily wоuld bе bеttеr оff withоut mе, аnd think аbоut suiсidе оссаsiоnаlly, аlthоugh I'd nеvеr dо it. Thеn I fееl guilty fоr thinking thаt wаy. I'm vеry еаsily irritаtеd lаtеly, аnd if sоmеthing hаppеns tо upsеt mе I gеt а lоt mоrе upsеt thаn I shоuld. I саn't еvеn rеаlly dеsсribе whаt I fееl, bесаusе I'm аfrаid tо lеt mysеlf fееl it.


Junior Member
Jul 3, 2016
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I have had times when I have been severely depressed but have been able to make it through each day of wonderful people who I worked with and who were legitimately worried about me and making sure that I would be alright going home on my own. I think you just have to take each day one day at a time and even if you are not having the best day or get easily irritated I believe that taking breaks from the work environment or walking away when you get angry helps. I used to get easily irritated and after being irritated I would just become more depressed. I think having things to looking forward to each day helps in making anyone able to push through the depression cycle.Getting up every day was a challenge but having good support systems at home and back home where my family was made me realize that I have a lot to look forward too.


Jul 1, 2016
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Just keep holding on. Find something that interests you and will keep your mind off depressing thoughts. Also if you're not on meds yet, you might want to get into that, it does help somehow. I know how you feel, my family have been very patient with me for so long but i know they also feel my pain and wants me to get better but it's not that easy you know? I avoid being in the same room as them as much as possible, it's better if I'm not around so they can be themselves and can be normal, when I'm around i feel like they're so uncomfortable and just steeling themselves, waiting for me to snap or something.


Junior Member
Jul 1, 2016
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I think it is possible if you have the right support system to help you through the bad times. Sometimes, I would rather just stay in bed and never get up but I have two kids to take care of so I have to force myself up to do what needs to be done. This helps me to take my mind off my depression for a time and then it will hit me. I try to stay busy and do things with my kids that will make me feel better. It is hard but I keep going for the sake of my kids. I do not want them to feel neglected or give them bad memories of me not being a productive person in their life. I hope you can find something that works for you.


Junior Member
Jul 11, 2016
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Yes, I've sadly had those experiences before. There are times when I'd drag myself to my classes even though I feel empty inside and want nothing more than to curl up in bed and just sleep, or read. But I think, sometimes, getting through the daily stuff even though you're depressed actually helps - at least this way you'll feel productive. I find that lack of productivity just makes me spiral even more into depression, which is a bad situation. A way to make daily stuff easier is to, as a previous comment said, find stuff that interests you! Do you like a particular kind of music? Try listening to that while going about your daily chores! It's really helpful; I find myself singing along and swaying my hips and it makes me feel a little bit better. It doesn't magically fix things, but it makes a small part of my day seem a bit brighter.


Jun 30, 2016
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It IS possible to get through your day when you are suffering from depression, but that doesn't mean it's going to be particularly easy. As I'm sure we are all to well aware, it's not just a case of cheering ourself up and snapping out of our bad mood. We've talked before about making sure that we have a plan or a routine to try and keep to and I do feel that if we have that plan of action to stick to, and we make sure that we are able to make ourselves do whatever we need to get done, we can still have a productive day even though it's not one of our better days.

On top of that, it's important to make sure that we remember that it's just one day, and when we do get into bed at the end of it, we can tell ourself that tomorrow might be good and try to wake up feeling a bit more positive about the world.


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2016
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Oh yes... I've trained myself to be even stricter with myself whenever I feel the black dog rear his head again...

If I don't keep myself busy, that's when the thoughts start. So I keep myself even busier, I do as much as I can - if there's groceries that need to be done, I get that done. If my room is a mess, I kick myself in the ass and force myself to clean a little bit, even if it's just putting things back to where they belong. The mornings are the most difficult... sometimes there are mornings where I just want to melt into my bed and keep sleeping. That's when I have to be even stricter with myself - sometimes I just roll out of bed and tell myself to get up, get up. So, as many others before me have mentioned - I just try to be as productive as I can.

There's nothng wrong with having a bad day, though. We're only human. But at the end of the day, you have to remember that it's only you that can pull yourself out of that hole. And I know that you can do it.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2016
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I would say that it is certainly possible, and it is probably getting easier and easier as we understand more as a society and medically and advancements continue to see the light of day and receive funding. That last part might be something that is really subject to a lot of factors out of our control, but hopefully we see the trend continue to go in the positive direction. I cannot say that I have sever or crippling depression, but I do have depressing and some days are a struggle, and medication certainly helps.


Junior Member
Jul 8, 2016
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It's possible. Never give up and always try to do everything you need and you can in "bad days", especially in bad days. Forcing yourself to do chores, tasks and other things is the first step towards fighting your depression: staying all the day in your bed in your pijama or at the PC won't help you at all. On the other hand being able to go through your daily routine will give you something to focus on keeping your mind busy and away from bad thoughts.

However if you really can't go on consider seeing a therapist, as it may really change your approach to your depression problem: there is no shame in that.


Jul 3, 2016
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It's really hard to get through life when you're severely depressed, you lose motivation to do anything and you start neglecting yourself. Depressed people have days when they don't even eat they're so low on self-esteem, that's really dangerous. You can force yourself to do the things you're supposed to do but that would be really hard, it's hard to get stuff done when you're unmotivated.


Junior Member
Jul 15, 2016
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It's 100% possible, the only question is whether you choose to do it. No matter how bad you feel at every moment it is you that decides what to do next. You'd be amazed how many hugely successful people were majorly depressed.

John Snort

Junior Member
Jul 4, 2016
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It certainly is possible to get through your day with severe depression but if you know you have clinica depression then you must start getting some treatment. Why? Because depression will negatively impact your life and your work life too. If your productivity drops then there's a high probability that you'll lose your job which will make your depression even worse. So though it is possible to gеt thrоugh yоur dаy tо dаy lifе if you are severely depressed, you need to do everything you can to fight and overcome the depression.


Junior Member
Jul 18, 2016
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Is it pоssiblе tо bе sеvеrеly dеprеssеd, аnd still gеt thrоugh yоur dаy tо dаy lifе?
I usuаlly fееl еmpty аnd likе my minds blаnk, whеn I dо fееl sоmеthing it's sаdnеss, thеn I shut my mind dоwn sо I dоn't hаvе tо think аbоut thе sаdnеss. I fееl likе my fаmily wоuld bе bеttеr оff withоut mе, аnd think аbоut suiсidе оссаsiоnаlly, аlthоugh I'd nеvеr dо it. Thеn I fееl guilty fоr thinking thаt wаy. I'm vеry еаsily irritаtеd lаtеly, аnd if sоmеthing hаppеns tо upsеt mе I gеt а lоt mоrе upsеt thаn I shоuld. I саn't еvеn rеаlly dеsсribе whаt I fееl, bесаusе I'm аfrаid tо lеt mysеlf fееl it.
If this is a new situation for you, that hasn't been going on too long, then you could still pull through it--just give it a little more time. If it has been going on longer than a month, you need to check into meds and talking to a counselor quick. This means your mind isn't healing as fast as it should, and you might be stuck where you are. Yes, it's possible to just exist day to day. But that's not really how you want to be forever, is it? Whatever you are dealing with, know this: it's okay to ask for help. You are not weak, you don't lack courage, you're just human. And you might be surprised at how differently you feel, and how you look at the world once you talk to someone who can help.

If you live in an area that offers professional cuddling, you should check into that. You don't have to talk to your professional cuddler, but the healing power of touch is amazing all by itself. Most of us are sensory-deprived. Especially those of us who are sensitive, or natural loners, or who have been in depression for a while. People who are sick physically tend to isolate themselves. So do people who are ill with emotional issues. Touching can help heal. Also, if you feel the need to talk to your professional cuddler, they are trained to do mental health referrals as needed.

One other suggestion. If you like music, find a piece of music that makes you sad, that makes you feel SOMETHING. Listen to it with headphones while you are in a quiet place alone. Concentrate on it. Focus on it. Allow yourself to feel the sadness in the music for as long as you need to. Allow yourself to let go and cry at the sheer sorrow in the music or lyrics or just the beauty of the piece. You need the release of emotion, because you are holding it in too firmly. Give yourself permission to feel. And google breathing techniques. Just breathe.


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Based on my own experience I think even if a person is depressed he or she can still managed to get through to their day to day life. It just depend on how you will handle and control your emotions to make things better even you are feeling that way. If you really want to still be productive in your life despite that you are depressed you should always motivate yourself to fight your depression to achieve what you want to do in your life. It doesn't mean that if you had depression it is already the end of the world for you. Stay active and reach out yourself to other people and you will see the best in you.


Jul 1, 2016
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If someone is really depressed, I really don't consider that living. It's more like knocking on deaths door and waiting for the inevitable. I think professional help is in order to clear your head.

Here's a simple world of advice I use to teach to my group of kids I use to coach. I use to tell them that in life, you will have a lot of negative aspects in your life. It will feel like everything is weighing you down. But in the clutter and mess of a life and existence, there has to be one thing that is a positive. When you find that one positive note, you cling onto it and nurture it. Eventually it will grow and bring you back to life with the rest of us.


Junior Member
Jul 23, 2016
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I find that anxiety is curable with enough help. You don't need to be severely depressed. If you are, don't let it take hold of your life. Stay strong and fight with all your might. Open up to someone; there are tons of people willing to listen. Don't just open up online behind the protection of a username, open up face-to-face. Be the best possible version of yourself. Anything can be cured nowadays, for medication has come so far. I also find that meditation helps. It clears the mind and clears all thoughts. Also, try to stand in the mirror and smile. Just smile. Start everyday that way, and everyday will be a happy one.
Jul 5, 2016
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I have only been severely depressed just one time in my life and I barely could get up from bed and try to do something that is not sleep, but I used to go to school, drink alcohol/pills after it and go back to my house and ingest more or sleep more. That wasn't life and I was definitely not facing with the things that I needed to in order to stay focused. So, saying that it would be nearly impossible for me to keep living my day to day life being severely depressed. I find living my day to day life just depressed a living hell, I can't imagine how it would be to be on that state again, I don't want to imagine it.

Jasmin Cottontail

Active Member
Oct 1, 2016
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As much as I would like to admit, yes it is indeed possible in my opinion. It's just a matter of how you deal with things that's happening around you. I've been depressed though I'm unaware if it's severe or not but one thing is for sure, it feels as is if I'm dying inside. All I want to do is sleep and sleep, all day and never wake up. Being depressed for a day seems like eternity, but then I realize that I don't want to be like this forever. That's when I get up on my feet and started doing my daily routine bit by bit until I overcome depression. It won't be easy but I figured out if I don't start moving, I will get stucked in the same place forever.


Oct 24, 2016
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Yes. Some people may call you the Walking Zombie or a Robot but it's possible, the only problem with this is of course you loosing your grasps on reality because mostly or everything you do is automated or involuntary. You may have been feeling a lot lately but that's how the world spin but it's a miracle that you're still with us today. If you treat your presence as a miracle, it may change the way you see things in life. I won't give you any advice but maybe just a food for thought: Life is like a mirror: It'll smile at you if you smile at it. This is what a priest told me in the past when one time I felt like giving up in life.


New Member
Nov 1, 2016
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Yup, this is very much possible. Working person who doesn't really like his job gets up,  hates his coffee, goes to work, hates commuting, gets to job, hates boss and job at the first sight... But, he does it because he has to make a living. Same comes with the person who likes his job, because he has to perform every single day ( beside  Holly Sunday!!)  so it is one thing that is not so good.

But, depressed person can go through the day without even touching a surface of what is going on around him, without actually feeling people around him. If by any chance something goes wrong at the job, or he 'feels' something 'think' about him  wrong, not even saying but thinking, things can go into the wrong direction.