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I've actually had anxiety for most of my life


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2019
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I know this is the case for many others as well, and I've shared these things on other forums in the past. When I think about how anxiety makes me feel, and how severe it's been at times, over the past several years, I wonder what life was like before anxiety. Then I realize I've had anxiety for the majority of my life, so I've never truly been free of it. I can think of events back when I was 7 or 8 years old that I now recognize as manifestations of anxiety.

One particular instance that occurred to me recently happened when I was in my late teens. At the time I had never had a panic attack, nor did I know I had anxiety. That didn't start until I was about 17. But before that, I once had a dream in which my mum told me "one of your sisters has cancer, and you should get checked because it's contagious." Weird! LoL. At the time I had no health worries. And when I woke up, I thought "oh, it was a bad dream" and everything was fine.

I recall sitting up late at night crying when I was 10 or 11, as well as times after that, trying to figure out how many years my parents had left before they would inevitably die. I was terrified at the thought of them dying. I was even more terrified when I would guess that they only had 10-15 years left (which was quite inaccurate).

I recall other less specific instances when I was younger in which I exhibited anxiety symptoms, but I didn't know it at the time. I thought it was entirely normal. I didn't know my thoughts or worries were irrational and I had no idea what anxiety was.

I didn't experience a lot of death when I was young. Relatives didn't start passing away until I was in my teens, and those were expected / not unusual (e.g. old age and the complications that come with it). I didn't have a particularly stressful childhood. These are things I've talked with my therapist about at length. She doesn't believe my anxiety is necessarily about past experiences (at least not entirely), but moreso about learned behaviors and genetic predisposition. Mom's side has a lot of depression and anxiety.

Have you had this sort of revelation, when you suddenly realize anxiety isn't so new to you after all? How did you realize it, and does it change the way you perceive or approach having anxiety?


Active Member
Oct 22, 2019
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Yes, I was recently (about a week ago) diagnosed with OCD which we pin pointed started in childhood with the same irrational thoughts you had, like “omg my parents will die one day”. Or even my interactions at school and my nervousness. It’s interesting when you realize when they actually presented themselves. Sadly as I’ve gotten older it’s manifested a little worse in my reactions but I’m trying to understand it a little better, so definitely relatable!


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2019
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Yes, I was recently (about a week ago) diagnosed with OCD which we pin pointed started in childhood with the same irrational thoughts you had, like “omg my parents will die one day”. Or even my interactions at school and my nervousness. It’s interesting when you realize when they actually presented themselves. Sadly as I’ve gotten older it’s manifested a little worse in my reactions but I’m trying to understand it a little better, so definitely relatable!
Thanks for sharing! I think it's important to identify when it began. I believe that can help determine the root cause as well as the appropriate treatment.


Active Member
Oct 31, 2019
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As far back as I can remember, I have been worried about one thing or another.

I remember being worried in kindergarten I think it had something to do with not wanting to take naps. Very few memories of kindergarten but I do remember feeling anxious.
I remember worrying that I would throw up in school.
I remember worrying that I would drop my thermos and break it.
I remember having stomachaches and waking my mom at night.. waiting and waiting for her to say the words I needed to hear "you're going to be ok".
I worried that I would get called to go to the school nurse for a shot.
I worried that I would fail a grade in school.
I worried that my teacher would ask me my mom and dads names and I would have to say out loud that my dad died.
At about 10 years old my anxiety ramped up because my mom had to have thyroid surgery. I also starting worrying that she was getting older, she was 47 at the time. I heard her tell my sister in law that she thought something was wrong with her heart, that sent me into a spin.

I could go on and on and on....

Always worried, I'm 60 years old, it hasn't stopped for a minute all my life.


Nov 5, 2019
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I remember a time when I would check all the light switches were off and the doors were locked as a kid! How bad is that.