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Hello all having a hard few days!


Active Member
Oct 3, 2023
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Hello, so I haven't been on here in a little whole but I was doing good with my anxiety. But a couple days ago my dog got sick and has been having some problems with his back and legs and I've been very upset and worried about him! Then I noticed my anxiety was coming back full force! Heart racing , fluttering, stomach gurgling and rumbling, DIZZY , derealization! It all came back within hours of being upset about my dog. I kno I stress allot over him because I kno he's old and he's not got much longer and it scares me! I think this is a big reason why I cant really calm down my anxiety, cause im constantly worried about him! So just a min ago I tried to go outside and pick some of my green beans out of my garden but after 5 mins I started getting dizzy and heart racing! It is very hot out! It's like I can't handle the heat anymore either! I used to love Going outside and doing things but now I can't! I can't handle more then about 15 min outside In heat! I've been trying so hard maybe a little to hard to control my emotions and just float with my anxiety! But the last few days I have had zero success! I am always so worried about my heart! It's always racing around! And beating hard it seems! But every time I get it checked I'm fine. I'm starting to feel depressed and hopeless! Like this is never going to end and I'm about to loose my mind! I just want to feel like my old self again. Even for just a day! I hate feeling like I'm not even real and I just floating around in a body that's about to kill over. Its really effecting my work now as well, I try to go in to work and do my best but I feel like my client can tell something is wrong with me. I haven't been able to eat in days! I've lost 15lbs. And I kno this can make u feel allot worse! I feel weak and tired and just foggy headed! I'm just not sure what to do anymore, I try to accept and stay calm but its not working for me right now. I kno I will have times where it will be hard to get by but im just so tired of feeling this way 24/7. Sorry for the long rant , just needed someone to talk to.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2022
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Aww shay I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad . Of course you'll have reactions to your dogs illness . They are a part of our family and losing them is devastating . I know , I've lost more than I've ever wanted too . They were all precious to me .

I am not great at knowing how to help someone who is experiencing the anxiety symptoms that you are now . I'm not very eloquent with words I'm afraid . Just want you to know that you are not alone , I'm here and i know someone will be here shortly to help you thru it .


Jul 5, 2024
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Hey Shay, sorry yr going through a rough patch. I can certainly see how yr dog being ill would cause yr anxiety to spike, I know when I worry about my dog or a family member, my disorder goes into overdrive. I too have been having trouble with the heat this year, course I’m ALOT older then you, but I am finding the heat this year is playing havoc with my disorder, I don’t know if it’s the up and down weather changes or just the heat but it has not been fun. Part of the symptoms yr feeling could be because you are not eating, you really need to try and eat something, even if it’s just a little, your body needs the energy to cope. I’ve been dealing with panic and anxiety for way longer then I’d like to admit, so I can tell you, it can get better, for me it has not been “cured”, but it does get manageable. As you find more and more coping strategies that work for you, you’ll start to notice yr good days will be more frequent then your bad. So I wanted to try and reassure you that even though it is hard now, it can get better. Try to eat, concentrate on coping strategies, not symptoms and I hope it gets better for you soon. And I hope your doggo is ok.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2021
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Many years ago there was what was called a crystal set. This was before radio was invented as we know it now. The idea was to contact a part of a crystal that could pick up radio waves and one could hear them through headphones. The crystal was contacted through something called a 'cats whisker', a very fine piece of wire. What has this analogy to do with you? Your 'cats whisker is hovering over the crystal all the time and it only takes something to trigger you off like touching the crystal. Dr. Weekes used to say 'your anxiety button is well oiled!'. It's all very sensitive and it doesn't take a lot of worry. Your dog has been the cause of your worry, that is understandable and natural. It's when something natural begins to affect our lives, as it is yours that it becomes anxiety. YOU ARE NOT GOING CRAZY! Everything you mention is typical of GAD, Are you on any medication? If not I suggest you see your GP for some reassurance and maybe some mild medication.
The heart is the only organ that we are aware of working, so when we have anxiety we fasten on to that, especially at night when we lay down. As I have said before, anxiety symptoms are normal emotions greatly exaggerated. Any so called 'normal' person would feel anxious in your circumstances. I know only too well what it's like to have sick elderly dogs, and I can sympathise with you.