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brain tumor

  1. C

    HEAD PAIN in one spot for over a week…anyone felt this?!

    It started one day out of the blue, and random pain to the left side of my head just slightly above and a little behind my temple. Feels more radiating at times, like a little wave, but has a constant pressure, almost squeezed feeling. I expected it to not be around this long? I went to the...
  2. J

    Blue Flash in Left Eye

    Last Friday, while in the bath I tipped my head back into the water to wet my hair and had a blue lightning flash of light in the middle of my left eye. I have had flashes in my peripherals before; but never in the middle of vision. I am freaking out bad that it might be a brain tumor. My...
  3. A

    My story ( brain tumour fears, trigger warning)

    Hey guys wanted to post my story, hopefully it’ll help someone else who’s reading. I know reading stories helped me a lot during this bout of anxiety. i am 32 struggled with HA for all of my life and my episodes usually last 1-2 months and fixated on one critical illness. I’ve gone through...