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Abdomen fullness - liver concerns


New Member
Nov 25, 2019
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Hey, everyone...

First post here but I've been lurking a while. I've had OCD and HA for most of my life (I'm 42 now). I was diagnosed with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease for quite a while but my only notable symptoms have been an elevated ALT enzyme. We usually do a check-up each 6 months with a hep panel but given some other issues I had creep up, we didn't do it this fall.

Well, a month or two ago, I noticed a sort of fullness on my right side just below my right rib cage. Now I know I shouldn't be online looking at this stuff (health anxiety 101) but I did against my better judgment. It's not an ache as there really is no pain. It's just sort of like I'm leaning funny and putting a crimp in my abdomen. What I read points to liver "pain" and that scares me to the point that I just scheduled an appointment to have the Dr. look at it. Now, I've already been to the Dr like 4 times in the past few months for other maladies (they were all legit) but I don't want him to start blowing me off. Anyone have any insight or experienced this sensation on your right side? Thanks!


Active Member
Nov 27, 2019
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I am experiencing a bloating/fullness on the right side of my abdomen as well, but I don't have an answer for you as to what it might be. It doesn't seem to be painful, though I will periodically get a little twinge of pain kind of under/in the ribcage as if something isn't entirely right. It seems to be more bloated after eating, so maybe it's all a bunch of nothing? I wish we could both get some answers. Let us know how your appointment goes... and hey, don't worry about the doc and what he's thinking... folks like us keep them in business.


New Member
Nov 25, 2019
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Went to my GP two weeks ago and we did some blood work and scheduled an abdominal ultrasound. The blood tests came back pretty normal for me. Everything was within normal categories except one of my liver enzymes (ALT) which was closer to normal than it's been in years. We then did the ultrasound which seemed pretty good. All of the comments were very positive except regarding the liver. The radiologist stated my liver was enlarged (16 cm - I think normal is ~15 cm) and it's abnormal appearance was consistent with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (which I've known I had for 10 years).

I haven't been called back by the Dr (got my results on the web portal) but it doesn't sound significant. Seems the cancer concerns I've had seem unlikely and it may just be that I need to lose some weight and exercise. Any thoughts on this?


Active Member
Nov 21, 2019
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fatty liver will improve from diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle. i was diagnosed too 8 years ago.
the doctor told me to avoid eating processed, fatty foods, alcohol, smoking, and to exercise and maintain a healthy weight. i don't smoke and drink but i love eating junk foods.
fast forward today, my liver test is normal. the fatty liver diagnosis is gone.
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New Member
Nov 25, 2019
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Thanks, Kristin.

I continue to have the "fullness" on my right side where it feels like something is kinda poking into my bottom rib (and just below it) from the inside. There's no pain at all. Just an annoyance. Although my ultrasound seems to be good, my mind continues to race and I can't help but obsess over the new feeling.

I am making a concerted effort to lose weight. I'm drinking less soda and getting more exercise. That'll just take time.