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Heavy chest and wanna constantly cry. Anyone else feel like this??


New Member
Jun 10, 2019
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I’m 31 with 2 kids and going through a career change and a lot of stress recently with my relationship. It’s all lead up to the worst week I’ve had in a long time. I’ve been dealing with anxiety daily since a kid but under long periods of stress it seems like my body goes completely into overdrive. Insomnia but I’m tired, sad all the time, scared feeling, and this heavy ness in my chest especially in the mornings and daytime or if I wake up in the middle of the night. I’ve cried almost every day this week and it seems like there’s so much more but I almost keep holding it in bc I don’t like people seeing me like that. I’ve had two full blown panic attacks this week as well. Seen my doctor twice in the past week, got checked out and told her my concerns with my chest/heart and explained the other symptoms. She gave me a referral to the therapist in the office and I see them next Friday. Anyone else have a long lasting feeling restless/heavy feeling chest while dealing with their anxiety???

I Am The Worrier

New Member
Jun 8, 2019
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I’m 31 with 2 kids and going through a career change and a lot of stress recently with my relationship. It’s all lead up to the worst week I’ve had in a long time. I’ve been dealing with anxiety daily since a kid but under long periods of stress it seems like my body goes completely into overdrive. Insomnia but I’m tired, sad all the time, scared feeling, and this heavy ness in my chest especially in the mornings and daytime or if I wake up in the middle of the night. I’ve cried almost every day this week and it seems like there’s so much more but I almost keep holding it in bc I don’t like people seeing me like that. I’ve had two full blown panic attacks this week as well. Seen my doctor twice in the past week, got checked out and told her my concerns with my chest/heart and explained the other symptoms. She gave me a referral to the therapist in the office and I see them next Friday. Anyone else have a long lasting feeling restless/heavy feeling chest while dealing with their anxiety???
Hi Joe. I don't have sensations of a "heavy" chest, but have had "restless" chest with an irregular heartbeat and sometimes a feeling of breathlessness. I've noticed i unconciously hold my breath. Maybe doing some slow, deep breathing may help. Hang in there.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2019
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Yes my chest gets heavy when I go through stressful periods. It will pass once your stress lessens and you attitude changes. A career change is a lot of stress and thinking. I have been going through elevated stress and anxiety just from someone I work with announcing they will be retiring soon.

It will pass just do your best to get through it


New Member
Jun 10, 2019
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Hi Joe. I don't have sensations of a "heavy" chest, but have had "restless" chest with an irregular heartbeat and sometimes a feeling of breathlessness. I've noticed i unconciously hold my breath. Maybe doing some slow, deep breathing may help. Hang in there.
Thank you so much for replying. Feeling like I’m not the only one experiencing this is comforting to a level. Hope you are doing well have a great day!


New Member
Jun 10, 2019
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Yes my chest gets heavy when I go through stressful periods. It will pass once your stress lessens and you attitude changes. A career change is a lot of stress and thinking. I have been going through elevated stress and anxiety just from someone I work with announcing they will be retiring soon.

It will pass just do your best to get through it
Thanks so much for the support. Hope all is well my friend

Blue butterfly

New Member
Jun 11, 2019
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Yes I feel it everyday and when I get anxiety I feel tightness in my chest I feel like I can t breath like I’m about to pass out it’s a very bad feeling I always think it’s the end for me when I have an attack