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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2021
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Hi Folks.
Perhaps it has not been a good year for you, but that is past. Have we learned anything from it? The journey we are all on is a teaching experience, if we can see it in that light. In anxiety it often happens that many things are revealed about ourselves that would not be realised by others in a lifetime. It's where anxiety can be turned into a helper. What!! you may say, this awful experince a helper, no way! I sufferd with GAD for two years and I realise now how much it changed my life for the better. My attitude to others changed, My awareness about the needs of others changed. I gave up a good job and became a counsellor and was able to help others becuse I had been there. Although retired it's why I am here now.
All of us are on here becuse we need help and understanding, but also to help each other overcome this illness called anxiety. If we make New Year resolutions then foremost should be the one where we say we will put others first and ourselves second. By helping each other we help ourselves. Reaching out can touch many, but if it only touches one the it has done its job.
Many will look forward to the New Year with trepidation. 'Will it be the same as last year'? Not necessarily, and it is up to us whether we begin it with doubt and fear. Lay the foundations of a good year by telling yourself it will be good or even better than the last. Practise acceptance and remember, once you have been physically checked out and nothing is found, then it must be anxiety. That means you can concentrete on that one thing without fear. Good luck to all.


Jul 15, 2021
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Some very good thoughts here. I also believe in putting others first. There are some people we also just need to put out of our lives and move on from due to the toxic nature they create for us.
I’ve found just telling people something nice/good/ uplifting can do wonders for our own mental health. Key is you have to mean it and not just have it be empty words.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2021
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Some very good thoughts here. I also believe in putting others first. There are some people we also just need to put out of our lives and move on from due to the toxic nature they create for us.
I’ve found just telling people something nice/good/ uplifting can do wonders for our own mental health. Key is you have to mean it and not just have it be empty words.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes indeed. The sheep from the goats. Play with the sheep but avoid like the plague the goats. Who are they? You will find that you develop a sixth sense about the people you meet. Some you can respond to without fear of judgement, others, the 'snap out of it' kind, are best avoided even it can seem rude at times. I remeber if someone said something negative to me it could take days to recover from it. We are so open to suggestion. Words can hurt, and sometimes really badly. They can also be encouraging depending on the outlook of the person who says them.
We need to try and not react to what others say in a negative way. We react and hardly ever act. What's the difference? Action is always spontaneous. If we see others in danger we act without thiught. It may be after the event that we experience an anxiaty feeling, but that is normal. Most of us react according to our past experiences. Panic attacks are a good example of that. As soon as we feel panic we react in the usual way. 'OMG, here we go again, oh god, will it never end'? And so prolong the attack.
Acceptance, acceptance, acceptance. The real answer to our problems but not easy to do. We need to breakthrough that barrier of fear of what 'might' happen but never does.
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