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I’m told to control myself, yet that I’m the one with the problem

Nov 17, 2022
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There’s way too many people who claim that excessive talking is harmful and is hurtful to others when in reality, my compulsive talking is how I cope with my stresses and frustrations. Meanwhile, neurotypicals or people that obey neurotypical behavior, say my behavior is toxic and that I’m destructive to others. There are pointless arguments claiming that I need to stop my compulsive talking, and that my anxiety is the main source of everyone else’s problems. I’m expected to control myself yet no matter how much I try, they have something to nitpick on about me.

I’m told to stop whining and get off my lazy ass and start making effort to actually controlling myself. I was threatened that the people unable to control themselves were sent to the insane asylum or in prison and was asked “is that where you wanna end up?”. I’m told that I’m capable of controlling myself and would assume that I’m a psychopath who starts riots and school shootings and whatnot. It’s utter BS.

It’s the same thing I’d hear all the time, “learn to control yourself”, “you are making too many pathetic excuses just to hide your own responsibilities”, “stop whining and actually make some effort to control yourself”, “you’re destroying yourself and other people because of your lack of self-discipline, this is YOUR responsibility, not theirs”, “you seriously don’t know how to discipline yourself, man you’re stupid”.

I find it dismissive because my struggles are valid, and people saying that I am just as capable of controlling myself is like telling a blind person they are capable of driving and they should stop whining and do it anyway. It’s ableist and disrespectful to the mental health community. It makes me sick how neuros think my anxiety is nonexistent and I’m just seeking for attention. They obviously don’t care about the experiences of being under control by the genetics of their body their whole life, and the feeling of being gaslit and controlled by the public opinion. And threatening someone with people struggling with mental illnesses being placed in mental hospitals is one of the worst depictions you can give about neurodivergent people and their mental struggles. This is pure gaslighting and I won’t stand it. :(